Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Tale of Two RV Parks

It was the best of RV Parks, it was the worst of RV Parks, it was the day of wisdom, it was the day of foolishness. It was what happens when you don't plan ahead, or in this case, you do plan ahead but weather and traffic accidents alter your plans.

Upon leaving Coushatta Casino Resort, we knew we had a couple of days travel ahead without a real destination.  We were simply driving to put miles behind us.  When that happens we try to find a State Park in a beautiful setting.  We found that park, Lake Bruin State Park in eastern Louisiana.  As you can see from the pics, it was perfect.  We would have stayed longer if it would have stopped raining. Haha.

The alternative plan was to go to another quaint RV park in a similar setting just inside Alabama the next night. However, Mississippi was not having the fact we were to skip her completely and just drive through. What followed was a day of driving in the rain in terrible traffic from a large accident on I-20 eastbound. There was no choice but to find a place to camp for the night and carry on the next day.

That place was Bonita Lakes RV Park.  Sounds nice, doesn't it?  Well 'don't judge an RV Park by it's name.  This place was a gravel parking lot just off the highway. They did have hot water, although the shower house smelled of mildew. I meant to take a picture this morning but, was in a hurry to leave our beautiful surroundings?

The silver lining was that we stopped at an Olive Garden a mile before we arrived and brought some pasta comfort food to eat in the rain.

This morning we left early headed for Selma Alabama, for breakfast and a walk across a bridge.  Come on kids, what bridge are we going to walk across?
Lake Bruin State Park

Very friendly ducks

As you can see, it was crowed haha

Them 'Old Cotton Fields Back Home" in Mississippi

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