Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Drive Through Pennsylvania

Today’s drive was the highlight, 6 hours from Hagerstown Maryland to Niagara Falls. Very little freeway or turnpike type driving, more two lane highways. I knew that as long as I’m on a odd numbered highway I’m going North south, 219, 81, so as long as I pointed Rocinante north I was okay. (of course he could have taken his ear buds out so he could hear the GPS lady tell him which way to go) The beautiful scenery of the Allegheny Mountains and Rural American was something to experience. The number of American flags hanging was astounding, it brought me back to those nostalgic times of when were all one Nation, American, and proud of it.

We never did pass through a big city but drove through central Pennsylvania, villages, townships, Burroughs, as they were named. Hey Stevenson boys (grandkids) here is some summer vacation homework.....what is the difference?

I like driving the backroads with my headphones blasting Tom’s Diner on Pandora, about every 5 th song has me singing  aloud with Debbie cringing. It brings me back to the times in LA going over Kanan Canyon to Zuma beach, listening to Rock and Roll. Hey Gary remember driving Judy’s truck through the canyon with about 6 of us in the truck bed and you couldn’t make the turn?? That’s what I’m talking about when you drive, memories are great. 

We landed in a nice park with WiFi, laundry, full hook ups, Debbie at the laundry Again! (When does my RETIRED HUSBAND start doing laundry?)

Will update all tomorrow, it is the big day. We booked a guided trip for 6 hours of the Falls and area with personal guide. 

1 comment:

  1. Road Trips are fun, good classic rock tunes turned way up.. HEAD EAST,NEVER BEEN ANY REASON MY FAVE RADAR LOVE TOO. ENJOY!!
